Friday, September 25, 2015

                     Konichiwa everyone! I'm back after such a long absence. Gomenosie!

So, in my Human Geography class, we were discussing the idea of Seiran refugees coming to the United States and I, hating that class as much as I do, sat there, brooding, and thinking. Thus I realized something. The human race is selfish. We are revolted by the idea of helping those in need and we don't care. We don't give a damn. I hate it. I hate the fact that we can't see past our differences. To paraphrase Black Butler, "Nationality is irrelevant. All people, times and places are the same at some point or another." I'm sorry, please forgive me.

Monday, September 7, 2015

              Hey there guys! Sorry it's been so long, but, here I am! I still exist! I haven't died! Haha! Surprise! Um, happy Labor Day! How is everyone? You all doing okay? Is there anything you would like for me to cover? Any ideas? Any at all? Please don't be shy, tell me if you want me to cover anything or want me to give my opinion on something, or if you want me to post anything. I love all of you so, so, so much. All righty then, bye bye! *anime smile*