Tuesday, February 16, 2016

      Okay, before you go any further in this post, I want you to understand that this is MY opinion and it is MY right to voice it. I AM NOT, I REPEAT, I AM NOT BASHING ANYONE! DO NOT MISINTERPRET MY WORDS!

     I am an Orthodox Christian, and as an Orthodox Christian, I hold certain beliefs about things. One particular thing, is abortion. I think it is murder. It is murder of another human being. Do not pull that "My body, my choice" stuff. It's NOT your body, it is another human being's body.

     And the whole idea it's okay to abort a baby if it's an unwanted term. Hey guys, if you don't want a baby, DON'T HAVE SEX! Abstinence is always the best policy.

     Now, if this offends you, I'm sorry. But it's my opinion. Now, bye-bye!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! And people try to justify abortion in cases of rape or incest. But in those cases, the baby should not die because of the parent's/parents' poor choices. And the thousands of abortions that happen cannot ALL be incest and rape.
    I don't see how anyone could believe for a moment that abortion is an acceptable and totally fine thing. It makes me so angry! Seriously, it's hard to think of something that makes me madder than abortion. Thank you for sharing this. #pro-life
